Challenge accepted

Stop Overthinking Decisions

Overthinking is what makes you stressed, overwhelmed, and stuck. When you stop it, you turn decision-making into a flowy and empowering process. You free yourself!

There is no perfect decision. But you can better decide. Get unstuck and move forward.

When making decisions, you're too preoccupied trying to find the best solution. Making the perfect choice. So you end up stuck. Not making any decision. Or running into the wrong one because you're out of time.

Well, flash news: the perfect decision doesn't exist. You might already know it. But even tho you know, can you drop off this pattern? The overthinking? The perfectionism? The procrastination? Not so easy uh...

But not impossible. I've been there. I know how it feels.

It's more than a decision.

When you start trusting your intuition, you enter a completely different reality.

By changing the way you operate and make decisions, you change your life.

I'm not even kidding.

Every action you take changes your life. What initiates an action? A DECISION!

An the truth is: the decision itself doesn't really matter. The most important is the way you make the decision.

How you decide matters much more than what you decide.

It's a lifestyle.

THIS is what gets you unstuck and makes you move forward.

THIS is what creates impact.

THIS is what shapes your life.

THIS sets how you show up to the world,for people and yourself!

So how do you want to be, to feel, and to live?

Your decision.

Yes, you can make decisions fun & enjoyable

I want you to be able to make decisions in a way that feels good and empowering. Expanding! That's why I decided to build this challenge for you.

So you can make decisions something you're looking forward to and not fearing.

I've been there, I know exactly how to help you

I know how it is. I know how bad it feels. Almost like it is out of our control, right? But you can get out of it and:

Replace stress and anxiety with calm and ease

Feel good and proud about yourself

Gain confidence, power and alignement

Enjoy your life so much more

Thrive, unlock your next life's chapter

This challenge is for you if...

Making decisions feels overwhelming and stressful.

You're done with losing time and energy trying to make the perfect decision.

You're done with all the frustration and anxiety.

Welcome inside.

Is this you?

Your mind keeps you stuck.

No matter what you try to do, you always end up thinking over and over again about what you should do or should have done. Trying to understand what's best to do and why.

You lose so much time evaluating all the alternatives. It feels like there is always more to think about and analyze. You're stuck in a never-ending decision process.

It just drains your energy and makes you so stressed out. Feeling lost and overridden by life.


Time for a change!

Now is the time to stop this crazy loop. Time to jump back to your decision authority. Time to claim your power back.

No more draining overthinking. Step into your natural way of making aligned decisions. So you're now moving forward with ease and grace. Back to the flow of life. Your flow.

Making decisions has never been so simple, satisfying, and liberating!

Does your decision-making process drain or give you energy?

Does it make you feel even more stressed and overwhelmed?

Or do you feel empowered and confident when making decisions?

You can change the way you make decisions right now!

The choice is YOURS.

So how about daring and stepping into your power?

To finally go for your dreams and make them happen.

To be so connected to your intuition that nothing can stop you!

You have faith and you trust yourself. You own your decisions.

You own your life.

Authentic, aligned, rooted. You know the way, and you're going for it.

You're just about to get started...


This is all that you get from investing in yourself for a week. Do you think investing at least 2€ and 30 minutes per day in you is worth it?

  • One email per day with the guidelines and the link to the audio training (you start tomorrow)

  • All you need to know to become a pro at decision-making and thrive

  • A process that just works and you can apply for the rest of your life (you have forever access to the audios)

  • A way of living that deeply aligns with your desires

  • Access to the community where you'll find support and souls like you



Which is 2 euros a day. Less than a cup of tea 🍵


Are you ready to make decision-making a moment you're looking forward to and not fearing anymore?

From overthinking to empowering!


7 days to shift your decision-making process

A 7-step challenge to make decisions better and regain your power over them. Make it smooth and satisfying, like a game you play instead of a battle you fight. How would you feel to finally be able to make decisions in such an empowering, peaceful, and joyful way?


We have already enough stress in our lives, no need to add more. By connecting with your intuition, you make aligned decisions without all the stress and anxiety. Peace and calm simply flow.


Build trust in yourself in the process. More confidence and self-love will naturally rise as you listen to your intuition. Being more confident starts with making decisions from the right place. From the heart.


Owning your decisions empowers you. It gives you the energy to take action. You're finally making the bold moves you've been avoiding! You just go for it. Daring. Trusting. Flowing.

Here is why it works:

From being stuck...

I used to be so stuck with making decisions that I would lose hours and even days and weeks making a decision. I could have used all this time to do something more valuable.

But no... because of perfectionism and fear of making the wrong decision, I would stay stuck in the overthinking loop, and drive myself crazy.
I would be so frustrated and even mad at myself for not being able to make a decision.

And when I would finally make the decision, it would most of the time feel forced. Because I was running out of time.

I would rush from decision to decision without being in control at all. As if life was forcing me to do things. And I couldn't even grasp them.

It felt like I was not the one choosing.

It was soooo frustrating! And it drained my energy so much.

To thriving making decisions!

I was so done with this pattern that I decided to change it. From now on, I would only let my heart decide.

And this changed everything.

I learned how to surrender to my own wisdom. My intuition.

I don't always know why my heart chooses certain things. But I trust the process. I know I'm going the right way as it feels much more aligned.

Whatever the outcomes, I'm already gaining so much from the decision process itself.
All the time and energy I used to lose are now oriented toward the right things.

I feel like I have wings again! Much more energy and drive.
I own my decisions.

And sharing with you.

I know I'm not alone here. I know how frustrating it is to feel lost, unclear, and not knowing what direction to take, what choice to make.

I still end up from time to time stuck in the overthinking loop... when I don't apply these tools! Then when I do, it simply works! They are that powerful!

If it works for me, so will it for you.

I know it will because I trust my tools, my teaching, and most importantly,
I trust you. I know you'll make it work.

Because you already have all it takes. You just need some guidance and encouragement. Somebody to hold space for you. And the right container.


7 steps to stop overthinking decisions

Pick up a decision you've been postponing to make. Big or small. From quiting everything and going traveling to buying a new shirt. Something you're struggling making a decision with. By the end of the challenge, you make the decision. And you have a process for life. Challenge accepted?

Day 1: Become aware of your mind.

We have already enough stress in our lives, no need to add more. By connecting with your intuition, you make aligned decisions without all the stress and anxiety. Peace and calm simply flow.

Day 2: Become aware of your emotions.

This is what drives your decision. And as you'll see, there are different layers involved. Don't follow everything you feel!

Day 3: Become aware of the spiral.

See how your mind and sensations bring you into a crazy spiral. This is what makes you stuck and drains all your energy.

Day 4: Drop off the mind.

Learn how to come back to your center, to your body, and let the thoughts go away naturally. No pushing, no forcing. Smooth.

Day 5: Land into your heart.

Here you learn how to connect to your intuition. You start listening to what your heart and gut want. Once you know, decisions flow naturally.

Day 6: Surrender and trust.

Your mind will try to get in the way and question your intuition. I give you ways to avoid the trap and some tricks to reinforce your decision.

Day 7: Make your decision!

It's now time to make your decision. If it's not already made. And take your first action! A decision becomes real once it's implemented.


Well, deciding to invest in yourself is a decision. So what do you choose? Your comfort zone, or the opportunity to expand to an empowered version of you?


This challenge opens the door for a completely different way of living. It's not only about making decisions better. It's about living with more awareness and ownership of your life.

You become more free and aligned with your soul, your heart, your gut. Just by applying this process in all other areas of your life.

Access the challenge now!Shipping & Your Contact Info
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